Of course these beautiful cakes weren't made by me, these cakes were made by Chef Muttaqien.. yea yea as a "cake loser" I want to improve my baking ability, but let see.. I'll be back..*arnold schwarzenegger mode on*

One thing I got from that evening in hotel JW Marriot was, how to make the right ganache.. (wah kasian banget ya gue gitu aja gatau, ih soalnya kalau baca resep2 dibuku, suka ga detail sih.. rahasia ya..%$#@*). Sebenarnya cake2 begini ini memang harganya selangit, bayangkan saja kata chef yang dipakai chocolate chip Lindt.. (mahal kan)..
*kalau mau intip resep :
■ Strawberry Layers
■ Cassava and Pistachio Cake
■ Chocolate Cream Cake
■ Chocolate Coffee Cream Cake
■ Brownies Cheese Cake
Labels: jajanan - cake - ice cream

saya sih bukan pemasak handal tapi percayalah
resep2 disini 100% tidak pernah gagal